A few weeks later, I was visiting an upscale furniture consignment store and found a beautiful stainless METAL coffee table base for......get this.....$10.00!! I snatched it up right away, drove home full of excitement and pride and promptly hid it in the garage.
A few days later, my husband left on business and the moment both of his feet were out the front door, I rushed in the garage to plot and plan. I had only 3 days and virtually ZERO budget to build him a statement piece for our family room! PHEW!!!!!!!!!
So, I got to work....with plenty of coffee in hand to keep me going!!!! I was up for two of the three days he was gone until 6am hammering, sanding, building, gluing and painting, but I think the end product is more than worth it! When he arrived home to his zombified (that's right....zombified) wife, he was in shock and amazement. He could not believe that I built him a coffee table. He said it was the best surprise he had ever received. What do y'all think?
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