Thursday, November 3, 2011

Coffee Anyone?

My husband recently celebrated his birthday. This year I wanted to do something as a gift that would really make an impact while being functional and practical. My husband travels extensively and during one brief lay-over in an airport, he sent me a picture of a very cool and VERY expensive coffee table. He adored the "coastal" look of it. The gears started turning in my head.....!!

A few weeks later, I was visiting an upscale furniture consignment store and found a beautiful stainless METAL coffee table base for......get this.....$10.00!! I snatched it up right away, drove home full of excitement and pride and promptly hid it in the garage.

A few days later, my husband left on business and the moment both of his feet were out the front door, I rushed in the garage to plot and plan. I had only 3 days and virtually ZERO budget to build him a statement piece for our family room! PHEW!!!!!!!!!

So, I got to work....with plenty of coffee in hand to keep me going!!!! I was up for two of the three days he was gone until 6am hammering, sanding, building, gluing and painting, but I think the end product is more than worth it! When he arrived home to his zombified (that's right....zombified) wife, he was in shock and amazement. He could not believe that I built him a coffee table. He said it was the best surprise he had ever received. What do y'all think?

I've linked up to:

Stuff and Nonsense

Furniture Feature Fridays

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why Blog????

My friend, Sarah, from the blog Three Boys recently asked me to share my blogging story with her. I was all-too-willing to share my experience! :)

For awhile, my very closest friends were in a conspiracy to get me to start writing again. Writing is, and has always been, a passion of mine since I can remember. In school my friends preferred having tests that were multiple choice or true and false. I, on the other hand, feared second guessing myself and found it much less stressful to answer in essay form. I was the girl in college who enjoyed writing the papers that took other friends weeks to complete. I don't have anything great to say, I guess I'm just good at BS-ing writing my way through life.

Now that I have a family, I have a more difficult time remembering and documenting the going-ons of my two gorgeous munchkins. Blogging seems like the perfect fit to marry my two passions....writing and my children. Then you add in the fact that I love photography, crafting, upcycling, repurposing furniture, decorating, cooking, baking, etc. etc. etc. and there you have it.....BLOGGING....perfection!

I am super duper new to this process. I'm sure I will make LOTS of silly mistakes, but, at least I'm diving in and trying something new! There is a large learning curve, but stick around

and I promise that you will learn something along this journey with me!! xoxo Sondra